


Diexi Songping Valley Tourist Scenic Area is located in Maoxian (Sichuan’s largest Qiang ethnic minority settlement), in the township of Diexi Songping Valley’s Qiang cultural center area. The area showcases a stunning natural landscape, in particular, the beautiful world-famous earthquake ruins. The area is a rare well-preserved earthquake affected landscape and is currently one of the world’s most complete and preserved examples of a site destroyed by earthquake – the famous Autumn Leaves Scenic Spot. In 2013, the National Tourism Scenic Area Quality Rating Committee officially announced that Diexi Songping Valley Scenic Area reached the national AAAA level tourist attraction standards, and was approved as a national AAAA level tourist attraction. 




叠溪松坪沟旅游景区距茂县县城65公里,南距成都238公里,北距九寨沟193公里,处岷江上游两岸,是龙门山褶皱带的过渡地带,东以沿九环线茂(县)松(潘)公路沙湾至普安路段两侧山脊,南以叠溪地震遗址至龙池山,西以大岩窝至云华山、桦子岭,北以桦子岭至马道山航标架(海拔4283.3米)为界,有高山草甸、草原、森林,面积86017.1公倾,保护面积160平方公里, 同时景区内分布着以桦木、云杉、冷杉、高山矮灌木为主的植被50多个科,名贵野生中药材植物类184科574种,有金丝猴、马熊、野鹿、贝线鸡等高等动物31种90多属,属于温带大陆性为主的季风高原性气候,具有冬长无夏、春秋相连的特点,是度假旅游养生休闲之圣地。


Diexi Songping Valley Tourist Scenic Area is 65km from Maoxian county town, 238km south of Chengdu, 193km north of Jiuzhaigou, and flanked on two sides by the upper reaches of the Minjiang River. It is the transition zone of the Longmen Shan Fold Belt, east of the 9th ring Mao (county) Song (Pan) road to Shawan Pu’an section on both sides of the ridge, south of the Diexi earthquake site Longchi Hill, west of the large rock nest extending from Yunhua Mountain to Birch Ridge, north of the Madao Mountain navigation frame (4283.3 meters above sea level). There are alpine meadows, grasslands, and forests covering an area of 86017.1 hectares, 160 square kilometers of which is protected area. The valley is full with birch, spruce, and fir trees, as well as more than 50 families of alpine dwarf shrub, and 184 families of 574 species of valuable wild Chinese herbal medicinal plants. There are golden monkeys, brown bears, deer, wild fowl, and 31 species of higher order animals and more than 90 genera. The climate is classified as predominantly temperate continental monsoon plateau. With long winters, no summer, and similar springs and autumns, it is the holy land of health and leisure tourism.



Tourist Attractions:



Diexi Songping Valley Tourist Scenic Area is famous for its unique natural features, such as its mighty mountains, unusual waters, spectacular forest, and quiet valley, the earthquake site, as well as its authentic Qiang cultural characteristics and folk customs. The scenic area’s azure water is clear and deep and the forest mountain is quiet and steep and has retained it original ancient ecology. It has the broad spirit of Haizi, the secrets of Tang Dynasty cliff carvings, the ruins of an ancient city, and a profound engraved inscription… just like a historic painted scroll;




In spring and summer, the mountain flowers bloom brilliant, white flower resplendent; in summer and autumn the pine trees flourish in a lush green forest; in late autumn the mountain peaks are cloaked in red and gold, wrapped in clouds of sunset hues; in winter snowflakes flutter in the breeze, Baizhang cliff freezes over. Diexi Songping Valley is incredibly scenic during all four seasons, which is why each season tourists travel to Diexi Songping Valley. You can experience the Songping "spring’s mountain flowers, summer’s waters, autumn’s foliage, winter’s snow," the different charm of each season.




Simultaneously, the scenic area added alpine rafts, tour boats, barbecue boats, rowboats, trampoline, horse riding and other recreational activities; enjoy yourself in Songping. Touch the historic ruins of an ancient city; appreciate a mighty mountain’s new life after an earthquake’s destruction, unusual waters, noble forest, and the marvelous landscapes of a secluded valley. Diexi Songping Valley is full of nature's beauty, creating unforgettable memories. 

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